People often plan in detail for births, parties and weddings but usually not for end of life. Doula Connections believes that each and every part of our circle of life is important.

End of life wishes and plans are for you to decide.

It’s important for your family and friends to know and understand your wishes and preferences. It can truly feel empowering to have your wishes heard and written down. You can sit down and go through the form yourself or you could engage an end of life doula to guide you and map out what you’d like.

We recommend engaging an end of life doula – however you can do it yourself with this form.

It is a very deep-reaching and detailed form aimed to really prompt thinking and planning about many areas of end of life. These are often areas we have not thought of before and it is really valuable to have your thoughts, preferences and wishes down on paper so they can be shared with those close if you wish to. It may help to have some parts of this form and end of life choices and options available, discussed with the support of an end of life doula.

Here is some more information if you are curious about the role of end of life doulas.


Ready to record your end of life wishes and preferences?

Purchase your form and start planning

Purchase your form for $38.50 (inc. gst). This detailed 30 page non-legal planning form has been specifically created to help you capture ALL of your preferences and wishes around end of life, that are best considered and shared with those that know and care for you best.

Listen to 'The Death, Dying, Diagnosis and Doulas' Podcast

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